Short Story

יום אחד ילד קטן מצא גור לבד בגשם. הקנייה החזירה את הכלב לביתו ושאל את אביו אם הם יכולים להחזיק אותו. האבא אמר כן וגם הילד וגם הגור היו מאוד מאושרים וחיו באושר ועושר עד עצם היום הזה.

Paragraph of the Week pt6

With winter just around the corner, does it bring you a sense of excitement with the break approaching or a sense of dread with colder weather? What do you most look forward to in winter or what do you wish you could most avoid? Why? Explain in detail. 


With winter approaching, I’m most excited about the break. My parents are awesome and surprised my siblings and I with a trip to Hawaii. Turns out that they have been planning this trip for 6 months and we knew nothing about it. Actually, my sister was getting mad at my parents for not going anywhere because she is an entitled spoiled brat. I love the winter, but I also love to go on walks while listening to my music. I’ll miss that. I wish I could avoid the freezing cold, but still have the snow. The absolute worst thing about the winter is when you get snow down the back of your jacket. I love winter, but HATE that

Paragraph of the Week pt4

How do you keep yourself in high spirits in the midst of difficult times? Is there a particular person you talk to for inspiration? A song that motivates you? A walk in nature? What about this particular person or activity helps lift your spirits?


When I’m sad I usually listen to uplifting music and read a book. Don’t forget about the ice cream, either. Music is probably the thing that helps the most, though. I have a playlist on Spotify called Feel Good, and that is my go-to playlist. It’s mostly filled with sad lyrics with an uplifting beat. I also read because it takes me out of reality for a while. But that’s not a long-term fix. I’ll read for a while, and then when I’m done everything will come rushing back, and I’ll start crying again. Also ice cream. Just because.

Paragraph of the Week pt3

A lot of things make me happy. One, in particular, is reading. I love to read because it lets me lose myself in a world of my choosing. I get to be whatever I choose: a wizard, a sorcerer, an elf, an alien, I can be anything! I started reading from an early age, and I have been a dedicated bookworm ever since. The first book that I was greatly inspired by was Harry Potter. I was six when I read it, and I have read it almost 20 times since. That book has brought me closer to my siblings, for example, when my parents are out we watch the movies. Personally, I read mostly fantasy or fiction, and that might be why I love it so much. Another pro is that I can use my expanded vocabulary to make other people feel dumb! On a more serious note, one of the books that have changed my life is Spark by  Sarah Beth Durst. As you might have gotten from the “reading makes me so happy”, I’m a pretty quiet person. Spark has shown me that being quiet doesn’t mean you can’t be heard. You don’t have to be loud to make a difference.

Le Ski

Le ski est un sport individuel. Il y a 5 règlements principaux pour le ski: 

  1. Toujours rester en régulation de ton skis.
  2. Les gens devant toi ont la priorité. 
  3. N’arrête pas dans le milieu d’une piste. 
  4. Regarde tous les signes et avertissements. 
  5. Après d’utiliser des télésièges, tu dois savoir comment utiliser des télésièges. 


Dans l’Amérique environ 14.94 millions de personnes vont skier chaque année.

Les meilleurs skieurs/skieuses sont Marcel Hirscher et Lindsey Vonn


Il nya pas des équipes pour le ski, mais le pays qui a le plus de médailles dans le ski est Norway. 

Pour pratiquer le ski il est nécessaire d’avoir des skis, des bottes, un casque, des épaules, des lunettes de protection, des chaussettes de ski, un balaclava, des caleçons, et des gants. 


Il y a 3 types de ski. Nordique, extrême, et alpin. Le ski nordique est aussi nommé ski de fond.  Le ski de fond est quand tu ski sur une piste plate. Le ski extrême est quand tu fais des trucs et sauts dans l’air, et quand tu skies en bas d’une montagne très escarpée. Un homme qui est connu pour le ski extrême est Candide Thovex.Le ski alpin est quand tu skies vers le bas d’une montagne.  


Le ski est découvert en Chine en 8000 BC. Quand ils sont découverts, les skis étaient de 2 mètres et recouverts de fourrure. Les Britanniques ont découvert le ski alpin.

Paragraph of the Week pt2

I love reading. I always have. Books always have an impact on me, whether it is big or small. One of the books that has affected me the most is Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson got me into mythology. Mythology is something I love and it really does make me happy. It gives each small thing meaning and each person hope that they could do something great. When I was younger, all I wanted was to be a demigod because I wanted to be a hero. This book has made me what to do something with myself. 

Paragraph of the Week pt1

Friends are an important thing. You need to be able to talk to them about your problems and trust them to keep your secrets. You need to be able to call them whenever and trust them to pick up. You need to be able to trust them. Completely. As you’ve probably noticed, I think trust is the most important characteristic of a friend. Trust isn’t something easy. You can’t just talk to someone for a day and completely trust them. People’s secrets aren’t something you can just take. They have to be earned in many ways. I like to think of trust like a piece of glass. You have it, but it shatters easily. The easiest mistake to make is to trust the wrong person and have your secrets all over the place.

My Middle School Retreat Expirience

The middle school retreat was a great experience. We did many team-building activities, such as an obstacle course, white water rafting, and three peulot. I loved the obstacle course because I got to do it with my friends, and it was just a great activity. I liked the white water rafting, but I felt that it was too long, but it would have been great if I was with my friends rather than people I didn’t know. I thought that the thought of rebuilding community is a good one, but we didn’t really get to do much rebuilding. I think we could have done a lot of great stuff instead of the things that we actually did. I was really stressed about the rafting because I didn’t know who I would be with, and I didn’t want to be stuck in a boat for 5 hours with those strangers. The retreat also gave me many good memories. During the obstacle course, there were many great moments, such as my friends trying to get over a singular wall, and failing repeatedly. The retreat was great this year, but if I could change anything I would put us with our friends more. I had a great time at the retreat!