My Learning Style

In Advisory, our unit is on test-taking. To take a test, first you need to study. We took a test on what type of learners we are, and I discovered that I am almost a perfect mix of the three. I got a 7 on visual, 8 on auditory, and 5 on tactile. Looking over the results, I am content with what I got because I can see myself in all of the categories.  I am a visual learner because I prefer to read instructions rather than hear them, and I need my workspace to be organized. I am an auditory leader because sometimes I act like I’m not listening, but I don’t need to look at the teacher to pay attention. I also would rather dictate to someone while they write down my thoughts, and listening to music while studying helps me. I am a tactile learner because I like to take breaks to go on walks, I can’t stop moving, and I need to play with a fidget in class and while studying to help me. I think I need to move my study space to a place where I can focus in peace, without other people interrupting and passing by me.